What is a Cardiac Evaluation and What Can It Tell Me?

Many people know that heart disease and the underlying causes of it are the number one killer of people in several age groups. At Rancho Wellness, we take a whole-body approach to your health with special attention for those conditions that you’re at high risk for. There are a number of factors that may lead us to recommend a cardiac evaluation. While you’re always welcome to call us at 909-483-7800 with any questions, following are the basics of what you can expect.

Who needs a cardiac evaluation?

There are a number of risk factors that can tell us we need to keep an eye on your heart. For example, age is a huge risk factor. Most people who have heart attacks are 65 or older. As a result, we may recommend a cardiac evaluation for older patients even if they have no other risk factors. This is especially true for our male patients, as they are at a higher risk than women.

Other high risk factors including tobacco use, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, being physically inactive, being above your ideal weight, a diagnosis of diabetes, being under stress, drinking too much alcohol, and having a poor diet. If you fit any of this criteria, or a combination of them, then we may recommend a cardiac evaluation. Remember that a heart attack can happen at any age. At Rancho Wellness we believe in working hard toward prevention.

Heart disease includes a number of conditions

When you hear about heart disease you likely think of heart attacks but there are actually several heart conditions that can cause trouble, including congestive heart failure, coronary heart disease, and congenital heart disease.

There are several ways we can test you

Your cardiac evaluation will be personalized to your exact needs. However, it’s likely that we’ll give you an electrocardiogram (often called either an EKG or ECG). This is a test that shows us the electrical signals that are controlling the way your heart beats. The graph that results from the test is called an electrocardiogram.

Another option is what’s known as a Holter monitoring test or an ambulatory electrocardiogram. This type of test monitors your heart while you’re going about your typical activities. This is important because many of the indicators of heart disease happen during sex, exercising, bowel movements, sleeping, eating, and other regular activities. In most cases, we’d use a Holter monitoring test to record your heart for 24 hours.

We know that no one wants to worry that there’s something wrong with their heart. That’s why Rancho Wellness offer a variety of testing opportunities. If you do end up having heart disease, then there are a number of solutions we can consider. For some patients it’s as simple as making some lifestyle changes, others need medication, and still others may require more serious treatment. The only way to know for sure is to call us at 909-483-7800 to set up your appointment.