6 Things You Can Do Today to Practice Self-Care and Work to Lower Anxiety

If you suffer from anxiety attacks then you know how terrifying they can be. At Rancho Wellness, we are here to help you through this, whether through therapy, medications, or a mixture of the two. One thing we’ve seen time and time again is that some people can lower their anxiety by simply following a few self-care practices. These aren’t meant to cure your anxiety altogether, but give them a try and then call us at 909-483-7800 to learn how we can help.

  1. Set aside time to mindful every day
  2. Take a moment right now to feel what your body is doing. Are you sitting down? Feel where your body touches your chair. Are you standing up? Feel the way your feet are planted on the ground. Take deep breaths. Just be aware of your surroundings. Just taking a few minutes to do this on a daily basis, to take quiet time to just be mindful, can help with anxiety.

  3. Try yoga
  4. Yoga can have a number of benefits, both mental and physical. We have had clients report that it’s been beneficial to them along with a comprehensive plan for dealing with anxiety.

  5. Meditate
  6. A lot of people hear about the benefits of meditating and want to try it, but have had trouble doing so. The good news is that these days there are a number of apps and websites dedicated to showing you how to meditate. In fact, you can go through a guided meditation that can walk you through it from start to finish.

  7. Unplug for a few hours every week
  8. If you feel like overall anxiety has gone up over the past ten years, you’re not wrong. While experts have a number of ideas about why this may be, at Rancho Wellness we believe that part of the issue is that we all feel pressure to be available 24 hours a day and to be plugged in to what’s going on every second of the day. Take an hour or two every week to just unplug and not be available.

  9. Laughter is healing
  10. Do you have a movie or TV show that always makes you laugh? Take some time out to check it out. The truth is that laughter has a number of health benefits, including reducing stress – and the lower your stress is, the lower your anxiety is likely to be.

  11. Talk to the people you love
  12. Having close relationships with people is an important part of overall wellness. Even if you can’t see them in person, make time to have a phone date with a different loved one once a week, or take some time to write a letter.

For more ideas on how to reduce your stress, lower your anxiety, and heal from your wounds, contact Rancho Wellness at 909-483-7800 for a unique consultation.